Immune System, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance…. These are the three I’s that are changing the game on losing weight and aging. If you have a desire to get healthy and take back your life then being aware of what inflammation and insulin resistance are doing to your body and how they affect your immune system matters. Even if you haven’t committed to changing a thing YET, knowledge is power and hopefully this will empower you to take the next step.
Covid 19 has made us very aware of our immune system and the need to be able to fight viruses and infections that attack our body. Those who are obese and/or chronically ill (heart disease,diabetes) are most at risk for severe illness or death from Covid 19, and both of these states of being are caused by the number one enemy, INFLAMMATION.
So, what drives inflammation?
Refined sugar…. cookies, cakes,pastries,sodas and energy drinks to name a few.
Excessive starch… bread, pasta, cereals, pretzels, and crackers (think white flour and white rice)
Processed food, packaged and box snacks, microwave meals
Conventional dairy….milk, cheese,yogurt, ice cream
Bad fats….foods made with Trans fats or Saturated fats both of which you can find in most cakes, cookies, fast food and the list goes on
Any of these foods look familiar to you? Are they part of your daily diet?
So what happens after you eat foods that contain excessive sugar and starch, which by the way are hidden in all processed food. (One full teaspoon of sugar is in every tablespoon of ketchup you put on your hamburger, let that sink in!) A chain reaction is ignited where your blood sugar spikes causing your insulin to spike thus leading to our next enemy in the fight to lose weight and get healthy, INSULIN RESISTANCE.
The more sugar and starch in your diet, the higher your insulin level. And so the never ending, energy zapping, crappy feeling cycle begins. As your INSULIN goes up, so does your fat storage (belly fat), and your INFLAMMATION, both of which suppress your IMMUNE SYSTEM making you more susceptible to viruses, infections, and disease. And to add fuel to the fire, a diet filled with sugar and excessive starch makes you feel hungry all the time! No one is winning in this scenario, but you can break this vicious cycle and the result will lead to a healthier, happier lifestyle and an immune system that can fight rather than succumb to disease.
So now you know.
What will the next step be for you? What changes do you need to make to start living your best life, for a long life?
Let me know your thoughts. I can help!